14.8 Performing Calculations with Julian Dates 13-4
Chapter Fifteen - Changing Formats
15.1 Changing Field Formats 14-1
15.2 Removing Commas 14-2
15.3 Leading Zeros 14-2
15.4 Adding Decimal Places 14-3
15.5 Rounding Numbers and Decimals 14-3
15.6 Printing Dollar Signs 14-3
15.7 Plus and Minus 14-4
15.7.1 Embedded Plus or Minus Signs 14-5
15.7.2 Embedded Parentheses 14-5
15.8 Asterisks 14-5
15.9 Parentheses around Negative Numbers 14-6
15.10 Size of Numeric Fields 14-7
15.11 Changing Characters to Lower Case 14-7
15.12 Justification 14-8
15.13 Date Formats 14-8
15.14 Repeating Characters 14-9
15.15 Format Errors 14-9
Chapter Sixteen - Defining Files
16.1 Definitions Menu 15-1
16.2 Loading Definitions 15-2
16.2.1 Disk File Name Containing Definitions 15-2
16.2.2 Dictionary File Name 15-2
16.2.3 Dictionary Field Name Prefix 15-2
16.3 Choosing Data Dictionaries 15-3
16.4 File Definitions 15-4
16.4.1 File Name 15-5
16.4.2 File Description 15-5
16.4.3 Name of File on Disk 15-5
16.4.4 File Type 15-6
16.4.5 Size of Record 15-7
16.4.6 Primary & Alternate Keys 15-8
16.4.7 Field Separator Value 15-9
16.4.8 Location of Delete Flag 15-12
16.4.9 ASCII Value 15-12
16.4.10 Character Count 15-12
16.4.11 Using Delete Flags to Mark Records 15-13
16.4.12 Start of Data Location 15-14
16.4.13 End of Data Location 15-14
16.4.14 Separating a Master File 15-15
16.4.15 Keep Index Permanent 15-16
16.4.16 Saving the File Definition 15-17
16.5 Changing File Definitions 15-17
16.6 Deleting File Definitions 15-17
16.7 Defining Fields 15-17
Chapter Seventeen - Defining Fields
17.1 Defining Fields 16-1
17.2 Field Names 16-1
17.2.1 Multiple Field Names and Definitions 16-1
17.3 Field Description 16-2
17.4 Automatic Heading 16-2
17.5 Field Type 16-3
17.5.1 Julian Date Notes 16-5
17.5.2 Single Digit Month Date Format 16-6
17.5.3 Bit Mapped Format 16-7
17.6 Maximum Number of Characters 16-8
17.7 Format of Data in File 16-9
17.7.1 Notes on Cobol Formats 16-10
17.7.2 Basic Formats 16-13
17.7.3 Dataflex Formats 16-14
17.8 Field Number in Record 16-14
17.9 Field Start Location 16-15
17.10 Defining or Redefining Portions of a Field 16-15
17.10.1 Splitting Fields 16-15
17.10.2 Splitting Fields, Other 16-16
17.11 Fixed Length Fields, Comma-delimiters 16-17
17.12 Fields with a Leading Length Byte 16-18
17.13 Saving the Field Definition 16-20
17.14 Changing Field Definitions 16-20
17.15 Deleting Field Definitions 16-20
Chapter Eighteen - Defining File Relationships
18.1 File Relationships 17-1
18.1.1 Name of First File 17-1
18.1.2 Name of Lookup File 17-2
18.1.3 Lookup Specification 17-2
18.1.4 Which Key to Use 17-2
18.1.5 Types of Relationships 17-3
18.2 Keyed Read Look-ups 17-4
18.2.1 The Keyed Read Lookup Specification 17-5
18.2.2 File Relationships, Keyed Read 17-6
18.2.3 Performing a Lookup Within File 17-7
18.2.4 Concatenated Key Fields 17-9
18.2.5 Using Literals 17-10
18.3 One-to-Many Keyed Read 17-11
18.3.1 One to Many Keyed Read Specification 17-11
18.3.2 Concatenated Key Fields 17-14
18.3.3 Using Literals 17-15
18.3.4 Two One-to-Many Lookups in Report 17-16
18.3.5 Subtotalling with One-to-Many 17-20
18.4 One-to-Many Keyed Read Chain 17-24
18.5 Direct Read Lookup by Record Number 17-26
18.5.1 Record Number as a Literal 17-26
18.5.2 Record Number as a Field 17-28
18.6 One-to-Many Direct Read Chain 17-30
18.7 More on Lookups 17-31
18.7.1 Accessing Additional Fields 17-31
18.7.2 Sorting on One-to-Many Lookups 17-31
18.7.3 Temporary Index Files 17-32
18.7.4 Redefining Fields for Lookups 17-33
18.7.5 Performing Looks with Native Indices 17-34
18.8 Lookups Summary 17-36
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1.1 What is the Atlantis™ Data Publisher?
Imagine being able to reach into your data base and pull out exactly the data want. And being able to put the data on a report in your own customized format. The Atlantis™ Data Publisher is a program that allows you to do that.
You can add calculated fields and "if tests". You can combine data from more than one file. You can even send reports to the screen, printer, or one of many file types.
The program doesn't change your data files. It just reads them and processes the data.
You can combine data from more than one of the following types of files into one single report:
- accounting data
- word processing files
- database files
- spreadsheets
You can also add pictures, boxes, lines, text objects, colors, patterns, and much more!
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1.2 How Do You Use It?
The program works like a word processor. Lay out and edit a report design. Then use the layout to add any graphical features. Then run the report, to fill in the data (from your data file).
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1.3 What Can the Atlantis™ Data Publisher Do?
In addition to combining information from more than one file (and more than one file type) into a single report, you can also:
- sort information on the report into groups
- perform simple arithmetic on the data, including:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- break the report down into subtotal levels
- perform mathematical calculations on your data at any subtotal level, including:
- subtotals
- running balances
- deviations from the average
- counts of records
- minimum values for a field
- maximum values for a field
- horizontal bar graphs
- perform calculations based on dates
- exclude certain records from your report
- change fonts and colors
- add pictures, boxes, lines, circles, ovals, colors, patterns, text objects and more!
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1.4 How are Reports Created?
Creating a report consists of three basic steps:
- Define your files, fields and relationships, or loading a data dictionary so that the Atlantis™ Data Publisher understands the format of your data. (This step may have been done for you already.)
- Use the Design Menu to lay out your report. You can select your sorts, subtotals, and other calculations in the design, too.
- Use the Layout Menu to add graphics, if any
- Use the Publish Menu to run the report.
Once the report is run once, you can save the Writer. You can then run reports from the Writer (to save time).
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1.5 How to Use this Manual
This manual covers six main areas:
- introduction and getting started
- setting basic dictionary definitions
- designing a basic report layout
- running a report
- desktop publishing
- advanced report layouts
- advanced dictionary definitions
Here are some simple guidelines:
- The Atlantis™ Data Publisher can be easy to use, but we suggest you run through the sample data for examples when you don't understand a chapter.
- You won't need to know all the information in this manual. If you are using a format which the program can easily load, skip the section on file and field definitions. That will start you using the program quickly. Note that if you want to use data from multiple files in the same report, though, you will still need to define the relationships.
- You should learn enough by reading the beginning of each section to start laying out and running simple reports. This will probably make it easier for you to understand the more complex options in later chapters.
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1.6 The Printed Report
The report can be printed in any format that you need. You can use the Atlantis™ Data Publisher to:
- format the report with any fonts that are loaded in your system files
- include pictures, boxes, lines, circles, ovals, colors, patterns, text objects, and others listed in your tool box
- save or print the report in any format that you need, including, but not limited to:
- custom forms
- columnar reports
- mailing labels
- form letters
- statements
- vouchers
- sales reports
- financial statements
- spreadsheet files- ASCII files
- database files
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1.7 Basic Definitions
Throughout this manual there are certain words that will be used often. They are defined here for your convenience.
- A data file is a collection of related information. A file is made up of records.
- A record contains all of the information relating to one item. For example, in a mailing list file, a record would be one address. In an employee file, one record would contain all of the information about an employee. A record usually contains many fields.
- A field is one section of a record; it represents the smallest unit of information in a computer file. Information entered on one line is typically one field. For example, in a mailing list file, each record would have several fields, including name, address, city, state and Zip Code. Each of these is a field.
- A data dictionary is a file or set of files that allows the program to understand the format of your specific data base. A data base can be associated with more than one data dictionary, depending upon how you want the Atlantis™ Data Publisher to format your data. This is explained more fully in the chapters on file and field definitions.
Other words and functions are defined as they appear in the manual. See the manuals that came with your computer for additional information about terms and techniques that are specific to your computer's operating system.
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1.8 Atlantis™ Data Publisher Files
A layout or view is a file created when you design a new report. This file contains the following information:
- The name of the data file used for the report
- The names of specific fields that contain information that appears on the report
- Any calculations to be done on data
- "When" and "if" restrictions that allow you to include information within a specific range on your report
- The report title, header and footer information
- Other design specifications for your report
When you save a Designer file, all of these specifications are saved so that you can later run the report or change it.
A Writer is a file created by selecting Publish and Save Writer, while in the report design. Once a Writer is saved, the report can be run very quickly using Publish from Writer, rather than Publish from Designer. If you can the design, however, create a new Writer.
A Report is the file created by the report writer when selecting Publish and either Publish from Designer or Publish from Writer.
Index files are used internally by the report writer, with your data dictionary, to locate and read your data files. Should any of these index files become outdated or corrupted, you will be prompted to recreate a new index the next time you run the program.
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2.1 Installing the Atlantis™ Data Publisher
To install the program, insert the program diskette into your floppy drive. Copy the Atlantis™ folder icon to your desktop or destination folder.
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2.2 Running the Tutorial and Sample Reports
The Atlantis™ Data Publisher is supplied with sample data files and a data dictionary. These files are automatically loaded in during the installation process so that you can run sample reports. You can also create your own reports using this data.
After the installation is complete, there will be two icons for the program. The one shown as a Tutorial will access the sample data dictionary, sample data files and sample report layouts. The other icon can be used to run the program, using your own data.
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2.3 Registration
The registration window will appear after you have entered the serial number. It will include the serial number, version and lot number, the program identification number, and a blank to enter a registration code.
If you do not wish to register immediately, select the Not Yet button to begin working with a limited version of the Atlantis™ Data Publisher which will limit output to 25 records.
If registering now, enter the program identification code (Program ID) and other information on the registration form supplied with the software. You can then fax or call in the form to the telephone number supplied on the form, and a registration number will be returned on your fax machine.
Note: Please use large block letters and numbers when writing the program identification code and serial number on the registration form. A legible fax helps to expedite registration! After you receive your registration code back from Snow Software, enter the code, separating each pair of characters with a space, and ending by clicking on Register. Once this step is done, the program will then become fully functional.
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2.4 Starting the Atlantis™ Data Publisher
After you register (or even if you don't), the first window to appear is the Atlantis™ Designer window.
The design window is used to lay out the report. Select File and New Design to create a new file. (Or, you can select File and Open to use a report already created.)
Once you have opened a new file, there are two ways that you can start your report:
- select Layout to start with the data publishing graphical features of the program; then add the text later using the Data menu; or
- select Data to include the basic data in your report; then add the graphical features later by selecting Layout;
Then use the Publish Menu to run the report.
For example, let's do a quick walk through.
1. Start Atlantis™ by double-clicking on the application.
2. From the File Menu, choose File and Open. Open the statement file.
3. Choose Publish and Publish from Designer. Click OK for the run options and the STATEMENT will appear.
[insert sample report]
4. Close the report window by clicking on the box in the upper left corner of the report window. This is the box on the window with the report in it, not the window that contains the design document.
Now make your own report.
1. Choose File and New Design.
2. Under Data, select Choose File. Double-click on the CUSTOMERS file.
3. Under Data, select Choose Fields. Double-click on Customer City. Click OK.
4. Choose Fields again and double-click on Customer Balance. Click OK.
5. Choose Publish and Publish from Designer. Click OK for the run options and your customer report will appear.
6. Close the report window.
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3.0 Menu Overview
Here is a brief description of each of the window options available in the Atlantis™ Designer window.
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3.1 Help
About Atlantis™. This selection gives general data on the program.
Atlantis™ Help. Use this selection to display a window of additional information about any part of the Atlantis™ Data Publisher. Use the next and prev buttons to view the windows. Click on cancel to get out.
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3.2 File
New Design - to begin creating a totally new layout or report.
Open - to open an existing layout and make changes.
Close - to close the current design window. Before closing the design, the message Save for the Designer? will appear so you can save the layout.
Save Design - to save a layout. You will need to give it a name for future access.
Save As - to save a design under another name or location.
Revert - to change the layout back to the last filed copy. This is useful if you make changes and then want to get the original back.
Page Set-up - to enter standard page printing information.
Print. The Print selections will vary, depending on what you have displayed in your design. You can select from:
Print Help. Available when the help window is in use.
Print Show Fields. Available when the Show Fields window is displayed. The Show Fields list will give you a printout of your data selections, including line and column.
Print Files. This is available when after selecting Dictionary and Define Files. A full list of all files available for reports will print.
Print Fields. Use this selection to get a full list of fields. Use this after selecting Dictionary, and the file name.
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3.3 Edit
You can use selections on this menu to edit your design document. The basic editing features are used on your design the same way you would with any standard editing features of your program, including:
- undo
- cut
- copy
- paste
- clear
- select all
Editing features that have been added for the Atlantis™ Data Publisher include:
- center
- edit a field
- preferences
Center allows you to center a selected line or field entry. Use the ^ top ruler marker to set the centering mark, select text and the center selection will center the selected text around the mark.
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3.4 Font
Use this menu to select the font and font characteristics (such as boldface, italic, type size, and color) in which text and numbers will appear on your report. If an item is selected, selecting a font will change the font on the selected item. If an item is not selected, changing a font will set the font for anything on your design after the insertion point.
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3.5 Layout
Atlantis™ has a Tool Window that can be opened on the Layout menu, to add Desktop publishing graphical layout design to a report. Pictures, boxes, lines, circles, ovals, colors, patterns, text objects, and others can be added.
Select Show Tools from the Layout Menu to get the toolbar. Use Hide Tools to turn them on.
Note: When Show Tools is selected, the program is in graphics mode. If you need to do editing features, type on the layout, insert lines, move tabs, etc. select Hide Tools.
You can start your report with these layout selections. Or you can start the report with Data and then add the graphical items later.
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3.6 Data
The Data menu is used to fill in what you want to include in your report.
To open a new design window, select New... from the File menu. The basic design markers will already be laid out for you. You just need to fill in what you want to include in your report. You can type in text or use the design windows to choose files, fields and other data and text selections.
To open a design (layout) previously created, select Open... from the File menu.
The Data menu selections include:
Choose File - to select the main file from which to draw information for the report.
Choose Fields - to select the fields to include in your report from the file selected above. Any field which appears in the windows can be included in your report.
Edit a field allows you to change a field entry. This is especially useful for adding or changing field extensions, "if" tests, parentheses or other variables.
Choose When - to enter criteria that tell the program when to include a record in a report.
Sort by - to sort the report by as many as seven sort fields. Select them in the order they are laid out in the design, from left to right.
Show Fields - to see what you have included in your field specifications, at each line and column location. The line number, column number and field selection (including any field extensions, calculations, and so on) will appear in a window.
Preferences allows you to select or turn on or off the banner and title that appears automatically at the top of each page of the report.
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3.7 Publish
Use the Publish selections to run your report. The first time a report is run, all of the specifications are read and translated by the program. The first run of the report may take longer since the report specifications have to be read by the program. Use Publish from Designer the first time you run the report. A Writer is automatically created. (But it is not automatically saved!)
Use Save Writer after running the report the first time. Once the Writer is saved, you can use Publish from Writer to publish the report quickly.
Note: if you do save a Writer, you should save it again any time you change your report.
Use Insert Font to insert a new font into the report.
Use Insert Publication to add an already published document to your report which you are running.
Choose Company (Database) is used to select another company's data. Use this if you application allows multiple company data files.
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3.8 Definitions
Use these options to create your data dictionary so that the Report Writer can correctly read the data from your files. You may be able to load definitions in automatically. Also, use this menu to change data dictionaries, if you have more than one.
File Definitions. Use this option to indicate the file type, the record sizes, look-up keys, field separators and data locations of the file from which you are drawing data. Also use this to indicate field information, such as field names, field types and sizes.
Relationship Definitions. Select this to logically connect files in order to draw data from multiple files in the same report.
Load Definitions. Use the automatic load capability instead of File Definitions if your data files are in one of the formats available for loading. This will save you a great deal of time.
Choose Data Dictionary. Use this option to change data dictionaries, if you have more than one.
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3.9 Windows
Use the windows selection to get a list of all of the windows which you have open. You can select the window which you need.
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3.10 Summary
When you start Atlantis™, the Designer will appear, ready to start working for you. You can either:
- select New Design from the File menu;
- or select Open and a report name, from the File menu to editing an existing layout
Change the mode by selecting Show Tools or Hide Tools from the Layout menu.
All specifications for your report are entered in the Designer. Any selections which you need to make to design and run your report are available from pull-down menus at the top of the window.
The design window selections tell the program what to include in the report. Desktop publishing is added through the Layout menu. The layout and data selections combine to make a report. While in the design, you can go back and forth between the Layout and Data selections to fill in the report specifications. Use the Publish menu to run the report.
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4.1 The Designer - General
When you start the program, the Atlantis™ Designer appears. All selections can be made while in the Designer, including laying out a report to publishing it, and anything in between. The basics are covered in this chapter.
You can use the Data menu to select:
- which file(s) to use for the report
- how to sort the report
- which fields to include in the report
- where to put the data
- what calculations to make, if any
- when to include records in a report
- report titles and headings
- report width
You can use the Layout menu to select:
- pictures
- boxes
- lines
- circles
- ovals
- colors
- patterns
- text objects
- and more!
This chapter gives basic instructions for opening a design window, setting the design preferences (if needed), and other general information on using the window. More advanced uses of the program are given later in this guide.See Chapter Eight for details on desktop publishing.
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4.2 Opening a Design Window
When you start the Atlantis™ Data Publisher, the program opens with a blank design window (with no file).
To start a new design, select New Design from the File menu. A blank design window will appear, and any selections made will be part of the new layout, when saved.
To open a design window for an existing layout, select Open... from the File menu, and then select the design you wish to work with. The design will then appear.
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4.3 Graphics Mode
When Show Tools is selected in the Layout menu, you are in graphics mode. Select Hide Tools to change modes. Hide the tools when you want to make data sections, enter text on the screen, set tabs, center lines, and so forth. When you are finished and want to add the graphics, select Show Tools.
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4.4 Report Banner and Title
When you open a new design file the design will automatically include:
- line 1, each page. Report banner, including date, time, and page number.
- line 3, each page. Report title. This is the titlethat you give the report.
If you do not want the report banner and/or title, select Preferences... from the Layout or Data menu. Then click on the box next to the selection you wish to unmark. Click OK to save the change. The next New design will use the Preference you set.
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4.5 Page Size and Printer Effects
If you would like to change the page setup, select Page Setup from the File menu. You can then make selections to change the page size and other options, depending on your printer. You can also print sideways.
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4.6 Types of Lines
A new design window will include the default line types. These are the line types available:
Report headers are used to enter a report heading which will appear only on the first page of the report.
Header lines are used for the report banner, titles and column headings. These headings appear on each page of the report. The default format includes six header lines.
Detail lines are used to enter the detailed information on the report, including field names, subtotal levels, simple calculations and other field selections not based on subtotal levels.
1-3 Subtotal lines are used to enter mathematical calculations which are based on subtotal levels. Each number indicates a different subtotal level on which to base the calculation.
Footer lines are used to enter page footers. They are useful for page numbering.
The line types are indicated by a letter, in the field specifications.
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4.6.1 Adding or Deleting Line Types
You can change the report format to add or delete any of the line types described above. Up to nine subtotal lines may be added.